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By Lana Vawser

November 19, 2019

This week the Lord continued to speak to me for the daughters of God. I had a vision and I saw snakes slithering into the lives of many daughters of God and they were slithering in with their lies and “half truths” to bring doubt into their hearts about what God was saying and the direction God is leading. I saw many daughters of God surrounded by this whirlwind of confusion and there was a fog that was resting over them. They could “see” but things weren’t “clear”. As this was taking place I heard the Lord thundering over the daughters of God:

“I am breaking the attack of confusion over your mind, heart and eyes as you seek Me. I am bringing you deeper into a realm of discernment that you have not experienced before. I am bringing you deeper into an anointing to expose and uncover the lies of the enemy and to decree My truth that will bring tremendous supernatural shift.”

Again, I began to see the battle over the “mouths” of the daughters of God in this new era. The battle continued over them to silence them and to intimidate them and cause them to remain in “hiding” and pushed back into a corner, where this is the era where the Lord is positioning them in ways unlike anything they have ever experienced. This new era of God restoring voice to the daughters of God and awakening them to the power of decree and the anointing they carry and to walk in all that the Lord has for them without apology.

For the past few years I have seen the spirit of intimidation coming against the daughters of God fiercely and in an intensity like I have never seen. In the place of battle with this spirit the Lord has been training His daughters to walk by faith, to press into His heart and His truth and developing the revelation of their identity in Him. There has been significant breakthrough that has taken place for many daughters of God. Then recently I saw this spirit of intimidation come back again but this time fiercer than before. This time it was screaming louder and pushing harder, but in the battle I heard the voice of the Lord thunder over their lives.

“This is the era where you are stepping into boldness in Me like you never have. This is the era where you are stepping into the revelation of who you are in Me and the giftings I have given you, the anointing I have placed upon you, in greater fullness and WITHOUT APOLOGY.”

When the Lord spoke “WITHOUT APOLOGY” I felt the breakthrough upon His Words.

The Lord continued to speak: “Many of My daughters have been living under apology. You have been apologizing for your gifting. You have been apologizing for the favor I have given you. You have been apologizing for the vision, direction and revelation I have given you. You have been apologizing for the expression of My heart through you. I am removing the layers of the shame from your heart and life deeper than ever before. I am releasing the awakening of your identity and CLARITY of your anointing, your gifting and your calling in these days. I am moving you from the place of living under APOLOGY to the place of living under ACCELERATION in unprecedented ways.”


I had a vision and I saw Jesus standing before the daughters of God and He spoke “Come with Me” and I began to see one woman after another step forward and take His hand. He took them into a room that was so beautiful. It was a place of deep communion with Him and there was a large table in the middle of the room and the Word of God was on the table in the center. They sat down and Jesus began to explain the Scriptures to them and it reminded me of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:39) and learning from Him. As He spoke and His truth was flowing forth I was watching an impartation being released to them from His mouth and from the Word of God that was falling upon the eyes of the daughters of God. Their eyes were blazing on fire, stronger and stronger and I heard the words thundering around me “EYES OF EAGLES”.

I knew that the Lord was extending vision, He was bringing clarity and the revelation of the Word of God and being anchored in Him and the Word was taking them deeper into the realm of discernment that He had spoken of. They were being mantled with TRUTH like never before. Things were breaking off them. Lies, torments, oppression was falling off as the awakening of revelation was taking place. I watched them looking at things that had been placed upon them, lies they had believed, places where the intimidation had taken root because of insecurity, doubt, fear, partnership with these lies and it was almost as if in the spirit suddenly they stood up on the inside with a roar of “THAT’S NOT ME!!!!”. Those places of lies, the places of apology, the places of believing they were wrong, or there was something wrong with them, of their dreams were wrong or the lies of “that’s too big for me” were all falling away.

I watched as their eyes began to open wide in the spirit and they began to see CLEARLY the demonic spirits that had been tormenting them for so long without them even realizing. MAJOR deliverance was taking place over the daughters of God as they were communing with Jesus and feasting on His Word. The level of sight in the spirit that was being released to them was unprecedented.

I then saw them being lifted with Jesus above the table and into a higher place to be able to see further and wider than they had ever seen. I then heard the Holy Spirit say “It’s time for the EXPANSION of vision and VISION for the EXPANSION” What took place next surprised me. Jesus turned to the daughters of God and He spoke: “I am not only increasing and expanding your vision, I am expanding your vision for the expansion I am giving you. I am giving you the strategy and blueprints to carry the vision and walk in your anointing and calling like never before in this new era, but I am also going to give you “one step ahead vision”. I am transitioning you from living on the defense in your vision but moving you to the OFFENSE in your vision.”

The sense surrounded me that many of the daughters of God were being hit so hard in every direction that they were in the battle to “see” what was taking place right now, but constantly fighting for the day to day and not being able to move to the place of being “one step ahead” of the enemy and moving with the Holy Spirit to shut down the plans and attacks of the enemy before they were put into action.

The Lord was bringing a MAJOR shift now in the spirit to transition them from the defense in vision, to the offense in vision. The story of Elisha flashed before my eyes in the Spirit in 2 Kings 6:12 where Elisha heard the plans of the King of Aram in his bedroom and told the King of Israel. “One of his servants said, “No, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.”

I asked the Lord why He was highlighting this Scripture and I felt the Lord say that this realm of discernment and divine insight into the strategy and plans of the enemy is upon the daughters of God. The same anointing is coming upon many. There is an invitation from the Lord to be stepped into be seeking His heart and being anchored in the Word of God, surrendered, yielded and taught by the Holy Spirit, where He will release divine insight and discernment into the plans of the enemy in greater momentum that will transition the daughters of God from living on the defense in their vision to the offense.

Where confusion, haze, intimidation has swirled and stolen so much from the daughters of God, this is the new era of clarity for the daughters of God and a position of offense and victory in their vision, coupled with the wisdom, discernment and strategy of God to take what He is revealing and through prayer, decree and obedience, shut down the plans of the enemy before they have a chance to be implemented.


The Lord showed me with the revelation He will release to uncover lies of the enemy and strategies of the enemy in many ways even before they are implemented, we will see in this new era, the daughters of God rising up in their decree, intercession and obedience to the strategy of God that will see the Holy Spirit release a MIGHTY move of DELIVERANCE through them in their spheres of influence and cities and nations.

The daughters of God that are seeking His heart and stepping into their YES to Jesus completely will see the Holy Spirit use them in unprecedented ways in this new era to bring MAJOR deliverance to people, families, cities and nations.

The enemy has worked overtime to cage the daughters of God but this is the era where God is mantling them and releasing them into the earth to set the captives free, to break open cages the enemy has placed places and people in. A mighty wave of deliverance is going to crash in with greater force and acceleration in the body of Christ in this new era that will see men and women operate together in greater ways to see the deliverance of God manifest and some of the specific revelation the Lord unveils to the daughters of God will bring forth significant unlocking of the places the enemy has locked down.

This transition for the daughters of God in this new era regarding vision is not a place of focus upon the enemy, it’s not the place of ‘looking for a demon behind every tree’, it is the place of communing with Jesus and being deep in the Word of God and the Lord revealing the hidden places of the enemy and the hidden things the enemy doesn’t want them to see, that are going to be the places of MASS deliverance when the strategy of intercession and strategy of God being implemented will unlock some of the greatest breakthroughs that have been seen.


The Lord then spoke about dealing with jealousy and competition that can so easily creep in through insecurity and lack of revelation of identity in Him. The Lord showed me that in many ways in this new era He is dealing with this issue between many daughters of God. I also saw the Lord dealing with “backstabbing” and “backbiting”. The Holy Spirit showed me the depths of His Spirit dealing with these issues because it is and will hinder the move of His Spirit.

I watched as the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the love of God began to deal with these issues within the hearts of many daughters of God and was bringing healing and uniting the daughters of God, arm in arm. I watched as a deep work of the Spirit of God was taking place to bring deeper unity, strength and fortification amongst the daughters of God and a celebration of one another.

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

” (Philippians 2:3-11)


In this increase of discernment and uncovering of the hidden things of the enemy that God is revealing, I heard the Lord say “Do not be afraid to release the new sound of truth that resounds in love”

In the revelation of His truth and greater discernment He is releasing there will be times where the Lord will have you speak and decree. Do not be afraid to speak and decree. Sit with the Lord and receive His heart and as you speak the His truth it will go forth as a NEW SOUND because it will expose and uncover the lies and places the enemy has been residing and the truth of God’s Word and clarity will be revealed. Do not ‘rush’ in your release, but sit with the Lord and allow Him to unpack and reveal all that He needs to and be not afraid to share what He has spoken to you with those the Lord releases you to, for you will gain greater strength in the confirmation that you will receive from those the Lord has led you to share with as the enemy would seek to bring confusion or whisper doubt to you that you are not hearing the voice of the Lord. Confirmation will come from those the Lord leads you to share with. It is imperative to steward what the Lord shows you with His timing and His way because the magnitude of the breakthrough that will come from the declaration of these truths and strategies the Lord has given you in this new realm of discernment. The Spirit of God is going to teach you in greater ways how to steward warnings and the revelations He releases to you and move in the timing and way of God in its release.

Continue to ask for wisdom (James 1:5) and the Lord will give you wisdom in abundance. A key is to ‘remain’ with him and not ‘rush’ on the revelation He gives you. It’s time for you to receive “eyes of an eagle” to see mighty deliverance take place in your spheres of influence and cities and nations. This is your time to arise daughters of heavenly vision!

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