by Brian Simmons

I believe we need a holy optimism, birthed by hope and soaked with faith. Too many of us are negative, convinced that everything is horrible and beyond repair. God has an “Ace” up His sleeve. It is the trump card that takes every hand and wins the table. It’s called: Outpouring! Revival! Awakening! Read church history and you’ll that it is the steel punch of God that breaks through the despair over our land. The greatest days are ahead, not behind us, for the lovers of God and the champions of faith.
“My heart explodes with praise to You! Now and forever my heart bows in worship To You, my King and my God! Every day I will lift up my praise to Your Name with praises that will last throughout eternity! Lord You are great, and worthy of the highest praise! For there is no end to the discovery of the greatness that surrounds You! Generation after generation will declare more of Your greatness, And discover more of Your glory! Your magnificent splendor and the miracles of Your majesty are my constant meditation! Your awe-inspiring acts of power have everyone talking! And I’m telling people everywhere about Your excellent greatness! Our hearts bubble over as we celebrate the fame of Your marvelous beauty; bringing bliss to our hearts! We shout with ecstatic joy over Your breakthrough for us!
Psalm 145:1-7 The Passion Translation