September 26, 2019
This week as I was sitting with the Lord in worship I had a vision and I saw DISCONNECTS in families/relationships. I watched as Jesus stepped into the vision and those DISCONNECTS through the power of His Spirit became RECONNECTS. The beautiful thing was, there was not only a RECONNECTING taking place again, but the CONNECTION went deeper than before. I watched this taking place and my heart bubbled up with awe and joy “THAT’S my God!!!!” These disconnects had happened because of pain, trauma and hurt, other disconnects came from simply being too busy and the need for the re-prioritizing of family. Other disconnects came from miscommunication. Other disconnects came from distraction. There were so many different layers of disconnect that had taken place. I felt the Lord wanted me to prophesy over families that are feeling that disconnect that there is a MIRACULOUS RECONNECTING taking place by the power of His Spirit. The Lord is breaching and healing the disconnect in families. Not only is He breaching the gap and “great divide” many are feeling in relationships in the family but He is bringing such deep restoration that there will be deeper connection and joy than ever before. STRATEGIES FOR CONNECTION AND THE PRIORITIZING OF FAMILY The Lord showed me that not only is He healing and breaching the disconnect that many have been feeling in family, in the healing, But He is also releasing SPECIFIC strategy for connection and the prioritizing of family. It is imperative in the healing that’s taking place and the re-connection happening that your ears are leaning on the chest of Jesus listening to His heart and asking for His wisdom in maintaining healthy relationships, the healthy family unit and prioritizing family. There is an increase of wisdom upon families and the body of Christ of how to do relationships and family healthily and well. There is a MAJOR wave of His Spirit baptizing His people and families afresh in the deeper and continual revelation of His love and drawing us into the place of deep revelation and the manifestation of “loving one another”. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35 NIV) “So I give you now a new[a] commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.” (John 13:34-35 TPT) The Holy Spirit whispered: “My love is melting away the fear in relationships in families. I am breaking the hold of fear. My love is removing shame and trauma in relationships. My love is healing hurts and past offenses. My love is breaking the chains that have held families and relationships captive. It’s time for families to move into new found freedom that has always been theirs in Me. There will be no more “disconnect”, but fresh, deeper re-connection and a new era of healthy, deeper relationships unfolding and forming that will affect the generations to come.”