By Lana Vawser
January 2, 2021

“My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand, miracles will manifest through his saving strength.” (Psalm 20:6 – TPT) The Lord showed me that there are many in the body of Christ right now who have faced battles that have brought torment, fear, and foreboding into their lives that they have not seen breakthrough and deliverance from.
I saw these ones who have been in this battle and facing this torment unable to move forward. There was an intense feeling of being ‘stuck’, ‘oppressed’, and not able to gain momentum again. This battle has hindered their intimacy with the Lord deeply and there is a despair that has filled the hearts of these ones as they have cried out “God, I need you to set me free, I can’t take this anymore. I don’t know what else to do to get free”
I was then surrounded by a strong sense of miraculous deliverance. The sense was so incredibly strong that deliverance cannot come from your own strength, it cannot come from ‘what you can do’, it comes from the Lord and in the name of Jesus.
I then heard the Lord speak over these ones “There is miraculous deliverance upon you”.
I then saw the hand of the Lord go into the hearts of these ones that have struggled deeply with this oppressive torment and foreboding and the hand of the Lord looked like a surgical hand. He went deep into the heart and He exposed a root. When I looked closer it was the root of FEAR.
I heard the Holy Spirit say “Repent for aligning and living in fear. Repent for entertaining fear. Repent for meditating upon fear.” I began to see these ones weep and weep before the Lord as they realised that faith had been placed in fear and not in the goodness of God and His perfect love and nature. The conviction of the Holy Spirit was beautiful. The Lord was revealing and exposing to bring a solution, to bring healing and deep, deep deliverance.
As this repentance took place, I saw the Lord with His surgical hand remove the root of fear out of hearts. There was such a deep sense of the love of God that filled this encounter. I heard the Holy Spirit say “The enemy has worked hard to MASK your view of ME.” I began to see time and time again in these battles with fear that these ones had, the twisting hand of the enemy lying and moving so sneakily and in such a crafty way to MASK the TRUE revelation of the Lord’s goodness and His love. These lies, these battles, these attacks were coming hard against these ones to hinder the revelation of the Lord’s goodness. The enemy was using places of wounding, places of trauma, and brokenness to do all he could to hinder the revelation of the Lord’s goodness and love flowing into their lives in deeper ways. I knew in this encounter that these attacks had caused such fear in the hearts of these ones that it caused them to doubt God’s goodness and love and create confusion in the heart of what was God’s voice and what wasn’t.
The mighty deliverance of the Lord was upon these ones and it is and will be miraculous, by the mighty hand of God, not only is mighty miraculous deliverance upon these ones but a whole new season of encountering and experiencing the love of God in ways that will cause them to burn brighter and stronger for Jesus. The root of fear is being removed. “You will be firmly established in righteousness: You will be far from [even the thought of] oppression, for you, will not fear, And from terror, for it will not come near you.” (Isaiah 54:14 – AMP)
Friends, EXPECT MIRACULOUS deliverance. The Lord understands the deep pain you have been in. He has been with you in the deep torment you have experienced. The Lord showed me that the enemy has come and ‘twisted’ things so much in some believers lives with ‘words’ that ‘could be God’ coming in ways that ‘could’ be seen as warnings from God, ‘could’ be seen as God ‘letting you know what’s ahead’ but the FRUIT of these ‘words’ has been torment, it has hindered intimacy with the Lord, and created DEEP fear. The enemy has come against you time and time again with these ‘twisted words’ and used them to keep you from the heart of God.
I heard the Lord say “The enemy has twisted words so craftily in this hour that many have attributed ‘words’ to Me that I did not say. These ‘twisted words’ have been sent to hinder the place of intimacy between Me and My people and hinder them from moving into deeper realms of clarity and revelation of what I am speaking. I am coming and moving with My mighty hand and not only bringing miraculous deliverance, but I am also coming to expose these ‘twisted words’ as LIES. I am coming in power to EXPOSE the ways that the enemy has come and attempted to ‘sound’ like Me, as an angel of light, to oppress many. I am coming with a MIGHTY ROAR and breaking these attacks, delivering My people and My ROAR is catapulting them into a new day of CLARITY of My voice and REVELATION of My NATURE and my LOVE. These children of mine will enter into a new day of DISCERNING My voice and the FRUIT of My voice like never before. This attack is OVER, and I am miraculously delivering these ones and reigniting the FIRE of passion and hunger within them to hear My voice and to know Me. I am causing the enemy to REPAY and PAYBACK what he has stolen through these ‘twisted words’ and attacks of fear and torment and bringing My people into their greatest days of clarity.”